Pluufuy's Blog one stop beauty blog all about makeup and skinare reviews. Abelrouge Cosmetics Aqua Miricle Cream Multi-Vital 10 System the Naim Review

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Abelrouge Cosmetics Aqua Miricle Cream Multi-Vital 10 System the Naim Review

Hey yall! Im back for another review from a product I am trying from CHARIS. If you still haven't heard of CHARIS, click on link to check it out! Anyways, today's review will be on the Abelrouge Cosmetics Aqua Miracle Cream. Well basically it's a moisturizer which is supposed to have a burst of moisture. I have been trying this out for the past week and am very excited to give you my thought on it!
Selling at CHARIS at $60, 50ml

-Supplement moisture
-Prevents evaporation
-Increase elasticity and nutrients
-Rub the cream in for the water to pump out

Thick gel like consistency

So let's first talk about the interesting texture of this product. So as you can see room the pictures above, the cream comes in a gel form prior to spreading it. Okay so here is where is more interesting part comes in, upon being rubbed into the skin the gel like consistency of this cream will somehow change into small little droplets of water wit then combine to form an entire film of fluid over the skin. It is pretty amazing and it doesn't feel sticky in any way at all. So that's a thumbs up!
As for its effectiveness of the product, I'll just quickly throw it out there that its a positive one from me. I typically like to use this cream at night as a sleeping pack as I find the texture too heavy under makeup. However as a sleeping pack it does just what I need it to do. When I wash my face the next day, I will still be able to feel a thin layer of moisture over the skin. It usually washes off after that, but my skin will be well hydrated and slightly drier spots from the day before would have almost disappeared! So I think its quite an effective product, trapping the moisture in my skin and ensuring a smoother skin in the morning.

-Interesting Texture
-Traps moisture in skin
-Non Sticky

-Consistency only suitable for night use.
-Price point

I find it better than he Laniege Water Sleeping Pack in fact


Get Product HERE!


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